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Anyone going through Healing Kitchen withdrawal? I am doing a live Q&A about the Path to Joy with the founder of the Sacred Science and host of the Healing Kitchen, Nick Polizzi, on Thursday October 19th at 1230pm CT. You can access it by signing up at the link below for a free 3 month trial of the Sacred Science Inner Circle where you get access to more live Q&As and a wealth of resources about ancient healing wisdom, spiritual growth, plant medicine, seasonal recipes, and SO MUCH MORE! No worries if you miss the live Q&A because you will get the replay if you sign up. It’s free for 3 months — you have nothing to lose and only peace and knowledge to gain! P.S. Nick and his wife just released the Sacred Cookbook filled with powerful recipes to transform your kitchen into a Healing Kitchen of food for the soul. It is now available on Amazon!

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